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The UltraSimple Diet: Kick-Start Your Metabolism and Safely Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 7 Days Paperback – December 1, 2009
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In The UltraSimple Diet, Dr. Hyman reveals his revolutionary accelerated plan which, if properly followed, allows a person to lose ten pounds in just seven days. Many people who thought they were just doomed to be fat, or had “no willpower,” will see that they are actually suffering from inflammation brought on by foods that have a toxic effect on the body. By cutting these toxins out of our diets, we can achieve fast and easy weight loss. Each day of the plan features menus, exercise routines, relaxation and stress reduction exercises, and a few blank pages in order for the reader to keep a journal of his or her progress. Dr. Hyman also discusses the philosophy of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, along with its practical ramifications, i.e. keeping the weight off.
The UltraSimple Diet is based on his New York Times bestselling book, UltraMetabolism, which explores the cutting-edge science of nutrigenomics—the science of how food talks to our genes. Reprogram your body to automatically lose weight by turning on the messages of weight loss and health and turning off the messages of weight gain and disease.
- Print length256 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherGallery Books
- Publication dateDecember 1, 2009
- Dimensions5.31 x 0.7 x 8.25 inches
- ISBN-109781439171318
- ISBN-13978-1439171318
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About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter One
Why the UltraSimple Diet?
"I lost 3 pounds right away, my sugar levels stabilized, and my energy level shot up."
My entire life, even after having children, I have been plagued with depression, chronic fatigue, allergies, debilitating headaches, constant mood swings, and anxiety. After hearing for years from doctors that it was all "in my head," I decided to jump on Dr. Hyman's program, because I had nothing more to lose. Immediately after following his instructions, I started to feel calm and began sleeping throughout the night. I naturally started eating less, because I was full and satisfied. I lost 3 pounds right away, my sugar levels stabilized, and my energy level shot up. For the first time, I can live in the moment. I feel better, my heart palpitations are gone, the ringing in my ears has diminished, my headaches have stopped, and my focus and concentration have improved dramatically. This simply happened as a result of removing the toxins from my diet and eating nourishing whole foods. This experience on The UltraSimple Diet has completely changed my life. Carla Goodrich
Columbus, NE
Could this be you? This was one user of the program, although not all results were this striking. More dramatic results are at the beginning of each chapter.
For more success stories, go to www.ultrasimplediet.com/success.
In this chapter you will learn:
- The 6 steps of The UltraSimple Diet
- The 4 additional steps of The Enhanced UltraSimple Diet
- Why the program works
- Who I am
We have all the scientific information we need to address the obesity epidemic facing our society and threatening our children and our longevity.
The problem is most of you are not hearing about it. It takes an average of 20 years for new medical discoveries to be applied in practice.
But, you don't have to wait -- it's available right now, here in this program.
I have to admit something to you: The term diet in the title of this book is a bit misleading. This is really a 7-day health program wherein one of the natural consequences is healthy weight loss as I'll explain in a second.
After working with thousands of patients for more than 20 years; heading the medical department of one of the world's top health resorts, Canyon Ranch, for 9 years; and being the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center, I have discovered what works and what doesn't to give people quick, yet safe results for revitalizing their health and achieving weight loss.
And I have the results to prove it, which you can see for yourself by going to www.ultrasimplediet.com/success where you'll find hundreds of success stories from people who have already been through this program.
In fact, throughout this book, I've included comments from real people who have actually already gone through the program so you can see how well it has worked for them.
Even after looking at these success stories, if you are still skeptical that you can't lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days, you are right -- you shouldn't believe it. There are so many false weight-loss claims flying around today that it's tough to believe what works and what doesn't.
The only way to know that it's true is to try the program and prove it to yourself. This program won't work for everybody, but it should work for most, and in many cases you may get the kind of dramatic results I've highlighted in this book.
The real trick is that the same things that make people sick make them fat. In fact, being overweight is actually a symptom of an underlying health problem.
So, it's not really a trick or a gimmick at all -- in this program, you'll be working on some of the underlying, fundamental problems that make people fat.
And being fat creates even more sickness and disease -- including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, dementia, and diabetes.
The answer to effective, long-term weight loss is addressing the underlying causes of obesity and disease. For most of you out there suffering with weight issues there are two key causes: toxicity and inflammation.
In fact, for many of you, toxicity in particular may be what's been frustrating your weight-loss attempts. As I'll explain in chapter 3, you may be carrying around a truckload of toxins in your body that are disrupting your body's natural mechanisms for health. And as you'll see, getting healthy is the key to losing weight.
This can frequently explain why people seem to reach a plateau or "hit the wall" when attempting to lose weight, where, after an initial drop in weight, further weight loss proves to be next to impossible. Just restricting calories is a recipe for disaster and inevitably leads to failure. Unless you get rid of this toxic load, you might find yourself continually hitting this wall.
Take the "Toxicity and Inflammation Quiz" in chapter 2 and you may be surprised to find out how toxic and inflamed you really are. Don't worry; I'll explain what those two terms mean after you have taken the quiz.
The UltraSimple Diet provides a quick-start plan for dramatically, powerfully, and simply addressing toxicity and inflammation.
Dealing with toxicity and inflammation may not only help you lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days, but may also provide you with a feeling of robust health and relief of many chronic symptoms.
Some of you may ask "Isn't it all just water weight?" or "Isn't it unhealthy to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week?"
The truth is that you WANT to lose water weight.
Inflammation and toxicity cause fluid retention. Cleaning up your system for one week, by consuming a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory diet, may help you drop fluid and toxins quickly. This may lead to rapid weight loss, which is both safe and healthy under these circumstances.
Once you have eliminated the initial toxic fluid and inflammation, and you continue to follow my simple guides, your weight loss may continue at a rate of 1’ÅÑ2-2 pounds per week until you are at your healthy weight.
During this week you may lose both fluid and fat. How much of each varies from person to person.
You may also notice other benefits.
Besides increased energy, you may lose the puffiness in your face and around your eyes, and your skin may even glow. Your senses may be heightened. You may sleep better, have fewer allergies, and more mental clarity. Your joint and muscle aches may disappear and all your digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome and reflux, may vanish.
This will also be the beginning, I hope, of a new way of life for you. Not because I say it is good for you. NO! Your life will change, because you may not only lose weight, have more energy, and feel fantastic, but you may -- probably for the first time in your life -- have a taste of vital well-being and experience for yourself what it means to live an UltraWellness lifestyle.
What Is The UltraSimple Diet?
As I mentioned above, this program is founded on two fundamental principles of biology. To regain health and achieve consistent, permanent weight loss, you need to address the underlying cause of diseases and obesity: toxicity and inflammation.
It gives you an opportunity to achieve IMMEDIATE weight loss, but more importantly offers you renewed energy and relief from many chronic diseases in just 7 short days.
But how, you may ask, can you achieve such results in just 7 days?
Take away the things that make you toxic and inflamed.
Provide your body with foods and activities that help you detoxify and cool inflammation.
Your body does the rest automatically. It has a natural ability to find balance and heal once you stop doing things that throw it off balance and provide things that put it back in balance.
By eliminating the major sources of toxins in your life -- addictive habits such as coffee, sugar, alcohol, processed food, fast food, junk food, trans fats, and high-fructose corn syrup -- and reducing toxic stress for only 7 days, your body can renew and rejuvenate itself.
By eliminating the major sources of inflammation in your diet -- food allergens, sugar and flour products, and bad fats -- your body can heal.
Then, by eating whole, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory foods, the power of the program can take full effect.
Let me be completely honest here.
My motivation is not to help you "lose a quick 10 pounds," although that is a nice side effect. My desire is for you to experience in one week the power you have to harm or to heal your body, the power wrong foods have to create sickness, and the power right foods have to promote weight loss and health.
That way you can make the connection between your behaviors, what you put in your mouth, how you treat your body, and how you feel and look every day.
I am amazed at how the smartest people don't make the connections between what they eat, how they live, and how they feel.
You have the power to transform your life forever by choosing to work with your body, rather than against it.
You see, the primary reason that I designed this program was based on feedback that I received about my UltraMetabolism program that I outlined in my recent New York Times best-selling book, UltraMetabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss.
The problem that many people ran into was that they thought 8 weeks was too long a commitment and never gave the program a chance. In reality it's not; however, as a consequence of receiving that feedback, I designed this program to be only 7 days (which anybody can do) to prove just how good you can actually feel once you have addressed the core problems of toxicity and inflammation.
And as my patients and the hundreds of people who have helped me evaluate this program have seen, some of the results can be quite amazing. I had many people comment that they were surprised at just how good they could feel and never realized that by simply changing their diet, they could feel more energized, sleep better, have better-looking skin, lose weight, improve their mood, and more in only 7 days.
This program will give you the power to make this transformation.
Here's how you do it:
Get Rid of Bad Foods -- Eliminate foods that create toxicity and inflammation.
Add Good Foods -- Eat foods that are detoxifying and anti-inflammatory.
Detoxify -- Drink a special, cleansing and detoxifying UltraBroth, and keep your bowels clear during the program by taking an herbal laxative as needed.
Reduce Inflammation -- Make delicious, anti-inflammatory UltraShakes.
Relax -- Take a fabulously relaxing and detoxifying UltraBath every night before bed.
Reflect -- Reflect and write in your journal about what you're learning and how you're feeling during the program.
That's it.
Do it for 7 days and watch the transformation take place.
In fact, if many of you are thinking of this as a "diet" in the traditional sense, you are also probably worried about several things. Remember, this isn't so much a diet as it is a medically designed eating program, and, as such, you won't have to worry about:
Going Hungry -- This is not a starvation diet. You shouldn't be hungry over the course of the diet, and you won't be as long as you follow my recommendations. In fact, one of the most common points of feedback I've received from people who have been on this program has been how they actually had too much food prepared and didn't need it all since they simply weren't hungry.
Having Cravings -- You're worried about cravings? Forget it! My patients have overwhelmingly reported that their cravings decrease when they do the program.
Eating Gross Foods -- You also don't have to worry about disgusting or tasteless food. The food options I offer are delicious, and even if you don't like things exactly as I have outlined them in the book, I give you enough flexibility to adjust them to your tastes. Moreover, I've provided a special set of bonus recipes (which I will keep updated) that you can download by going to www.ultrasimplediet.com/guide.
Exercising Too Much -- Think you are going to have to go to the gym and sweat for 2 hours every day? Don't worry. Although I always do recommend getting exercise on a daily basis, for just these 7 days, the eating program is powerful enough so that you don't have to exercise if you don't want to.
Waiting Too Long -- Frequently people complain that it takes too long to see the benefits of any "diet"; however, remember, by using a medically designed eating program, we are working with the natural forces of your body, instead of against them as traditional diets do, and as a consequence, you typically see the benefits very quickly.
So what have you got to lose’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.’ÄÖexcept a few extra pounds.
Start the 7-day plan on a Sunday so you have the weekend to ease into it and prepare for your work week. You'll want to also reserve your Saturday to make the necessary preparations, go shopping, and get everything organized for the upcoming 7 days.
Don't take my word for it. Experience it.
For those of you who want to take full advantage of the healing potential of this 7-day program, I encourage you to add a few things that will maximize the long-term benefits.
I call this The Enhanced UltraSimple Diet.
You simply add the following components to supercharge your health:
Nutritional Supplements -- These are designed to enhance elimination and cellular detoxification, and reduce inflammation. Basic lifelong supplementation is also encouraged to support your body's normal functions, and provide the essential nutrients our modern depleted diet cannot.
Liver Detoxification -- A special, simple olive oil and lemon juice cocktail to promote liver detoxification by increasing bile flow.
Easy Exercise -- 30 minutes of walking a day’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.’ÄÖthat's it.
Reduce Stress -- Simple relaxation and stress-reduction techniques.
Following either of these simple, scientifically proven programs may help you lose up to 10 pounds in one week. But more importantly, it will give you all the tools you need to become the thin, fit, healthy, energetic person you want to be.
A Not-So-Uncommon Story of The UltraSimple Diet
One day a man showed up in my office who looked familiar. I had seen him at one of my lectures. On his own he decided to start The UltraSimple Diet.
He just changed his diet, and miracles happened. He lost 10 pounds the first week and 20 pounds in 3 weeks.
He is a 32-year-old father of two who works in insurance. When he got married, he was a fit 185 pounds. Over the last 11 years he gained 55 pounds and was up to 240 pounds when he came in.
He worked hard, didn't exercise, ate lunch at his desk, and felt horrible all the time. He was tired of not living life to the fullest.
After hearing my talk, he started the program you will find in this book. Before he started he had a laundry list of symptoms that would have been bad for an 80-year-old, but was scary for a 32-year-old. He was headed toward heart disease, diabetes, and stroke within a few years.
He was exhausted, and addicted to sugar, carbs, and caffeine. He had no stamina, suffered from headaches, sweated constantly, and had lost his sex drive. He had acne, bumps all over his back, waist and chest, bloating, bad gas, reflux, postnasal drip and congestion, muscle cramps, anal itching, and dry skin. He also had sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and shortness of breath. Whew!
His blood tests showed a high level of inflammation with a high C-reactive protein test. And his liver was toxic and fatty.
He was a physical wreck and felt horrible. His idea of the perfect meal was a cheeseburger, fries, and coke. Within days he changed his life dramatically by cleaning up his diet, giving up sugar, caffeine, and junk food, and simply eating whole foods. In short, by feeding his body the way it was designed.
He simply changed the type of food he was eating -- choosing anti-inflammatory and detoxifying foods instead of the junk food he was accustomed to consuming.
He got off dairy, gluten, eggs, sugar, and yeast -- the most common food intolerances or allergens. He didn't even exercise or add supplements.
What happened was remarkable.
Not only did he lose 10 pounds in 7 days (and 10 more pounds over the next two weeks), but his cravings disappeared, and he stopped waking up every morning with a sneezing, runny nose.
His energy and his sex drive increased, his muscle cramps went away, and his skin cleared up. His irritable bowel syndrome and gas went away, and his reflux stopped.
All this in only 7 days.
When the program ended he kept the good habits he created, and was able to continue living a healthy lifestyle.
When he came in to see me, I encouraged him to start exercising, and gave him a good multivitamin, fish oil, and herbs and nutrients to help his liver such as milk thistle, lipoic acid, and n-acetylcysteine.
After 4 months he lost more than 40 pounds, his liver healed, his inflammation went away, his testosterone levels improved, and he was a different person.
Not only did he lose weight, but he got his health and his life back.
Now he won't end up with heart disease, diabetes, and morbid obesity like the rest of his family.
The power of this program is not just a quick-fix, rapid-weight-loss program, but a process for beginning a way of living that can heal a host of chronic health problems, help you sustain and maintain weight loss, and give you your life back.
Just try it! You won't need me to convince you.
Why the Program Works
The plan works for one very simple reason.
For one week you take out all the toxic and inflammatory foods and substances (especially sugar and the common food allergens) from your diet, and replace them with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory foods and behaviors.
Then your body's natural intelligence does the rest.
It is that simple.
The body knows what to do if you simply get out of the way. If you give it a rest and a chance to repair and heal, it will.
You may even discover how bad you were feeling and how great you can really feel, if you address toxicity and inflammation (especially by eliminating common food allergens).
Most of us have no idea how our choice of foods and our behaviors influence how we feel. After all, if we knew what made us get fat or feel bad, wouldn't we stop?
This program gives you a chance to discover just how good you can feel in one short week.
A Little Bit about Me’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.’ÄÖ.
I tell you these things, not because I have read them in a book, or learned about them through medical research (although there are thousands of studies that support the foundational principles of the program you are about to learn).
No, I tell you these things, because I have seen them work over and over again. They have given thousands of my patients back their health and vitality. And they have helped those same patients lose thousands of pounds.
I have applied these principles for more than 20 years in medical practice, in my work as co-medical director at Canyon Ranch (one of the world's top health resort), and as the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center.
I have conducted workshops founded on this plan all over the world, guiding people through the experience you are about to embark on, and the results possible within one short week are remarkable.
You can now take advantage of the system I have developed to help you achieve quick weight loss, the opportunity to reset your metabolism, and begin a different way of being in the world -- a way free of chronic symptoms and excess weight, and full of energy and robust health.
And the best part is it's simple, it's easy, it's fast, and it works!
To get started, simply take the quiz in the next chapter to discover how much this program can change your life.
- The program works by reducing toxicity and inflammation -- 2 key causes of obesity and disease.
- Simply eliminate foods that create toxicity and inflammation, and eat detoxifying and anti-inflammatory foods.
- Balance, relax, and detoxify your system with the help of the UltraShake, the UltraBroth, and the UltraBath.
- Enhance the side benefits of the program by adding extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice, supplements, exercise, and relaxation.
What's Next
In the next chapter discover just how toxic and inflamed you are.
Copyright © 2007 by Mark Hyman, M.D
- Who I am
- Why the program works
- The 4 additional steps of The Enhanced UltraSimple Diet
Product details
- ASIN : 1439171319
- Publisher : Gallery Books; Updated ed. edition (December 1, 2009)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 256 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9781439171318
- ISBN-13 : 978-1439171318
- Item Weight : 8 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.31 x 0.7 x 8.25 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #270,338 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #94 in Gluten-free Diet
- #379 in Detox & Cleansing Diets
- #2,266 in Other Diet Books
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Mark Hyman, MD is the Founder and Senior Advisor of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and Founder and Director of The UltraWellness Center. He is the bestselling author of numerous books, including Young Forever, The Pegan Diet, Food Fix, Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?, Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?, Eat Fat, Get Thin, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, and The Blood Sugar Solution.
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Learn more how customers reviews work on AmazonCustomers say
Customers find the book informative and helpful for improving their health. They find the diet easy to follow, with tasty recipes that don't leave them feeling deprived or hungry. The book is concise and thorough, providing a clear overview of the program and checklists for each day. Many customers consider it worth trying and a good tool. They feel great and energized after following the kickstart plan.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers find the diet easy to follow and well-rounded. They mention it makes perfect sense, results in weight loss, and no hunger. The recipes are tasty and don't leave them feeling deprived or hungry. The diet is a healthy, nutritious version of real food that provides great energy and helps with digestive issues.
"I have used this diet twice to healthily and easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time (40-45 lbs. in 12 weeks-both times!)..." Read more
"...In 7 days, I lost 3.2 pounds and 3.5 inches (I normally lose .5 a pound or less per week)...." Read more
"...I have lost 3.5lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. However, the ultrashake he has you have at least twice a day tastes and smells like oil paint...." Read more
"...This broth recipe makes a super nutritious facsimile thereof, and I add no salt to it except what's in the sheet of nori I throw in towards the end...." Read more
Customers find the book informative and helpful for their health. They say it's a diet but also helps with their health, the functional medicine idea is true and real, and the food is extremely healthy and good for you. The book contains the essence of the principles without all the conspiracy theories about them. It's easy to understand, sensible, and not expensive.
"I have used this diet twice to healthily and easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time (40-45 lbs. in 12 weeks-both times!)..." Read more
"...For the first time in 16 years, I did not have IBS symptoms, swell after eating, cravings, headaches, breakouts, a stuffy nose, etc. Really...." Read more
"...rice cooker here on amazon earlier this year, and it is a real lifesaver with this diet, because you are gonna eat a lot of brown rice and this..." Read more
"...My pain is almost gone and I can now, finally, sleep on this shoulder again...." Read more
Customers find the book informative and easy to follow. They appreciate the concise and thorough content, clear overview of the program, and checklists for each day. The language is easy to understand, and the common-sense information and recipes are well-organized. Readers also like that the book provides a free online companion resource with additional recipes.
"...two different levels,vitamin and supplement suggestions,recipes for an ultra shake that leaves you feeling satisfied and grounded for hours, and a..." Read more
"...My family loves it. It's fast and easy to make because it's not like you're carefully slicing and dicing for a beautiful vegetable soup...." Read more
"...The book is well organized and refers to a free online supplemental companion guide that I found very helpful..." Read more
"...The diet is very straightforward. It requires a lot of preparation to start the detox, which could be difficult for someone with a busy life, but..." Read more
Customers find the book helpful and interesting. They say it's worth trying and a good tool. The Ultra Bath is also recommended as a cost-effective jump start.
"...of my life, the nutrition advice did and I think it is worth investigating for yourself. And, yes, it can get pricy...." Read more
"...UltraBroth recipe is worth the price of the book, and it is not expensive to make considering how much you are saving by skipping the meat and dairy..." Read more
"...Bottom line, it is worth trying -" Read more
"...The diet seemed extreme, but it was worth a try for a week. I spent a huge amount of money the first week, and did a lot of cooking and dishes...." Read more
Customers find the book effective and easy to follow. They say it explains how the system works and why certain choices can lead to success.
"...I downloaded it to my kindle after tying a sample. The sample worked great...." Read more
"...to take a look at this diet, because it really is simple, cheap, effective, and maybe even life-changing...." Read more
"I used this diet about 5 years ago and it worked. I lost about 15 lbs. slept better, had more energy and felt great...." Read more
"...lot of repetition, a few spelling errors, and was neither simple, nor effective. Now, I live, eat and breathe stress in my job...." Read more
Customers find the book relaxing and empowering. They report feeling great, with less body pain and depression. The book is described as encouraging and stimulating their minds and appetites for delicious food.
"...my score was down to 56, most of the pain in my body was gone,my depression went away,I started sleeping well again,and my energy skyrocketed...." Read more
"...It is working! I think I have detoxed without the shake (ew!) and it feels great...." Read more
"...I have been in pain for decades, and now I'm totally 100% pain-free...." Read more
"...at all after a while. The shakes in this diet are also how I love to start my day...." Read more
Customers find the kickstart helpful. It provides a good plan and concepts to get started. They appreciate the helpful mindset adjustments and overall guidance. The book is described as interesting and helpful for short-term plans, overall guidance, and long-term detoxes.
"...It has been an education outside my traditional medicine training and I believe Dr. Hyman is ahead of his time...." Read more
"...I did end up losing a few pounds without trying to. This is a great way to start Dr. Hyman's UltraMetabolism plan, which is a whole foods lifelong..." Read more
"...It does give a decent plan to get you started. I recommend, but it is for those just starting to have an interest in this type of dietary change." Read more
"Loved the concept but there was too much info to plow through to get to the understanding of how this works...." Read more
Customers enjoy the food. They find it easy, nourishing, and healthy. The diet cuts out dairy, sugar, gluten, and artificial sweeteners. It's low glycemic and free from high fructose corn syrup and processed foods.
"...I don't know what they put in their shake, but mine tasted nothing like paint oil...." Read more
"...The broth is perfectly delicious without them. Something else you get to enjoy frequently is brown rice with steamed vegetables...." Read more
"...substitutes like agave nectar and coconut crystals and do not miss the sugar at all! My family also does not miss it!..." Read more
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars A super easy,super effective diet for anyone who wants to look and feel great !!!
I have used this diet twice to healthily and easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time (40-45 lbs. in 12 weeks-both times!) This diet is based on the premise that the precursors to obesity and all disease are toxicity and inflammation brought on by (mostly) poor diet choices.It addresses the foods that are the biggest culprits (many of which cause allergies and other negative symptoms-headaches,brain fog,lethargy,insomnia,etc.-that we often don't even associate as being directly connected to the foods we're eating,) It also lists several anti-inflammatory foods that help to alkalise our acidic bodies and put us on the road to good health.
I am a vegetarian and big time stress eater.I'm not always disciplined and my weight tends to go up and down.When I am focused and not too stressed I will go on the most amazing cleanses and juice fasts with equally amazing results,however,I cannot always get myself into the mindset to take on these more stringent regimens.This is my go-to book for those times when I am at my highest weight and feeling unhealthy,depressed,and totally incapable of jumping into any diet that is too demanding.One of my favorite aspects of this book is the health questionnaire which not only lists symptoms of ill health and which body system each one is associated with,but also scores you
so that you can see where your own specific weaknesses are and just how toxic you are.My first time on this diet I had an outrageously unhealthy score (somewhere above 140,if I remember correctly) ;within the first five days of this diet my score was down to 56, most of the pain in my body was gone,my depression went away,I started sleeping well again,and my energy skyrocketed.All of my friends and customers started commenting on how great I looked and everyone that knew me wanted to know what I was doing to get such amazing results.
I have neglected to mention that this diet is quite easy,thus the "ultra simple" title and uses everyday ,easily come by ingredients.It also offers two different levels,vitamin and supplement suggestions,recipes for an ultra shake that leaves you feeling satisfied and grounded for hours, and a detoxifying ultra bath therapy that is amazingly soothing and relaxing.I heartily recommend this book to anyone who is interested in looking and feeling great!
- Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2011Mark Hyman recommends taking drastic changes to improve your health and increase weight loss. Although I was eating fairly healthy, as a doctorate student, I lived off coffee and lattes. After reading Mark Hyman's book, I made drastic changes, and I feel drastically better. In 7 days, I lost 3.2 pounds and 3.5 inches (I normally lose .5 a pound or less per week). I went from take Claritin and Nasonex everyday to not needing them at all. My self-quiz inflammatory score was over 200 before the program. I am only 30 years old.
I gradually decreased my sugar intake before starting the program. Beginning three weeks before, I started removing processed foods from my diet as much as possible. Additionally, I would not consume anything with more than 5 grams of sugar. I am not a sweets person, but I was having EXTREME sugar cravings. I dreamed of sugar cookies, really. I ate a grape or strawberry when the cravings were too strong. I figured this was better than a cookie. Once I started taking the supplements that Dr. Hyman recommends and I officially started following his program, my cravings were virtually gone. After taking the supplements, I did not have caffeine withdraw headaches.
I purchased the broth instead of making my own. I bought most of my fruit at Sam's Club and the rest at the organic store. The bulk section of the organic food store in my area had very affordable flax, brown rice, quinoa, and almond butter. I did buy the supplements. Although it might have been more expensive than what I usually do, I am worth the investment in myself. I bought a rice cooker so that I could quickly cook large amounts of brown rice.
In two weeks, I learned that I must have some major food allergies or sensitivities. For the first time in 16 years, I did not have IBS symptoms, swell after eating, cravings, headaches, breakouts, a stuffy nose, etc. Really. Everyone in my family is a physician or an RN, so they teased me for trying this until they saw me. My skin is glowing, I lost the "pooch" I had on my belly, and my face looked much thinner. After completing two weeks of this, my dad urged me to see an Immunologist/Allergist because he is convinced my inflammatory conditions are caused from sensitivities and allergies.
I am so grateful for Dr. Hyman's work. If you want to continue to feel the way you do, keep doing what you are doing and eating what you are eating. If you want to improve your health, craving, and weight, follow Dr. Hyman's UltraSimple plan.
Someone below said the protein shake tasted like paint oil. I don't know what they put in their shake, but mine tasted nothing like paint oil. I hated drinking the broth as well as the lemon and olive oil substance in the mornings. But, it worked.
- Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2011UPDATE: I have taken advice from this book as well as The Eat Clean Diet. I have lost 3.5lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. However, the ultrashake he has you have at least twice a day tastes and smells like oil paint. I could not drink it. So, I just took his nutrition advice and found other companion books that utilize the same ideas. It is working! I think I have detoxed without the shake (ew!) and it feels great. So, while the detox itself did not become part of my life, the nutrition advice did and I think it is worth investigating for yourself. And, yes, it can get pricy. I fortunately didn't get far enough into it to spend too much money. I bought the cheapest items and tried some of the foods. I just could not afford to pay for food for me for the detox and buy food for my entire family (there are 6 of us).
I have been looking for a diet book like this for a long time. I downloaded it to my kindle after tying a sample. The sample worked great. However after reading into the book for a while it suddenly crashed my Kindle and I had to reboot....twice. Fortunately I have an ipad and could read it on there via the Kindle ap. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my kindle. But beware that this kindle book was not very friendly.
The diet is very straightforward. It requires a lot of preparation to start the detox, which could be difficult for someone with a busy life, but not so much so that you are afraid to try it. I am worried about the expense of tying this, that is one reason I may not do it. The list is very long and the items, since they need to be whole foods and organic may prove to be very expensive as well as the supplements. I do live in a remote area and small town, so I can count on everything being pricy. I wouldn't discourage anyone trying it though, if you can afford it and have the time.
Top reviews from other countries
- AmandaReviewed in Australia on August 5, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect condition
Didn't like that it is a small format book.. But I soon got over that issue.
- Lynnie TunisReviewed in Canada on May 25, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars If you have food intolerance's a must buy
This book does exactly what it says it will, cleans up your eating habits and you lose 10 lbs. I am still following most of the principles since I have a lot of food intolerances and have noticed a big difference in how I feel. To make my life easier I cooked up a big batch of rice and beans and put them in measured containers in the freezer. I only did the broth for the first week and found that the most unpleasant part of the program. Yes you can get this program for free online as a PDF but I found myself going to the book several times and was glad I had a quick reference available without having to scroll through or search a PDF all the time, it was worth $10 for me for sure.
Now my only problem is I have about 6 pairs of pants that are too big on me ;)
- Fiona SommervilleReviewed in the United Kingdom on September 23, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Easy to work through .
I have an autoimmune disease, I bought this book as part if my research into reducing inflammation in my body. Excellent program, simple and easy to follow. It helped a lot, calmed my digestive system down considerably .
caliReviewed in France on September 21, 2014
3.0 out of 5 stars pas encore étudié
je ne l ai pas encore utilisé je l ai juste feuilleté mais je pense avoir fait une erreur d achat j ai trop attendu pour le retourner
je connais Dr Hyman je consulterai plus en détails par la suite
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in Canada on July 21, 2013
5.0 out of 5 stars worth reading
Although it did not change much in my well being as I was already doing most of what this book is about, it was a great focused effort and insight into eliminating things that may cause us problems. Mine appear beyond its scope but I enjoyed his advice and make his great Ultra simple shake to this day. Little things from this book will stick with you, and you could really benefit from this books advice. Worth reading and trying for sure.