From 31 Flavors of Ice Cream to a 31-Day Food Revolution

Episode 43 58m


As my friend Ocean Robbins says, “When you eat the Standard American Diet you get the standard American diseases.” In fact, poor diet is responsible for almost 700,000 death in the US each year, and 11 million worldwide! And the average American consumes 55 pounds of added sugar each year, which we know is a major contributor towards the diabesity epidemic. The good news is that each step towards real, wholesome, delicious foods reduces your risk for chronic disease and increases your ability to feel great.

This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I sit down with Ocean to talk about the current state of our food system and what we can do to be part of the revolution to create a healthier and happier future for everyone. Ocean is the author of 31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, & Transform Your World. He serves as CEO and co-founder of the Food Revolution Network—one of the largest communities of healthy eating advocates on the planet, with more than 500,000 members.

Ocean comes from a long line of food-lovers, though they didn’t all necessarily fit the same bill. His grandfather and great-uncle founded Baskin Robbins and his father walked away from the family fortune to pursue a career that promoted a cleaner and more nourishing diet. Ocean continues the legacy his father started by encouraging people to vote with their fork and think of the impacts our food choices have on the environment, socioeconomics, and of course health.

Throughout our talk, Ocean shares his wealth of knowledge from a lifelong passion for real food. We talk about how important it is to avoid a polarizing dietary view and personalize your approach to eating, as well as how the debate of animal protein fits into that dynamic. Ocean also shares some of the science and concerns on another hot topic, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, and why organic is a safer option.

We talk about all this and more, on this week’s episode.

I hope you’ll tune in!

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Ep. 43 - From 31 Flavors of Ice Cream to a 31-Day Food Revolution