Why We All Lie, How It Messes Up Our Lives, and How To Fix It

Episode 50 1h 2m
Topics Overview


Years ago, I met a woman who changed my life. A mutual friend introduced us and we went to grab a cup of coffee, but I didn’t realize how life-changing that day would be.

That woman was Lauren Zander, and though she’s now a best friend of mine, I was a bit scared in the beginning of our relationship. She saw right through my exterior persona and instantly challenged me to think about the things I didn’t want to address in my life—I was overworking, unhappy in my marriage, and worried so much about doing for everyone else that I wasn’t really being okay with myself.

But those uncomfortable truths brought a lot of thought out in me, and months later Lauren finally convinced me to dive deeper into that darkness. Today, Lauren joins me on The Doctor’s Farmacy to talk about my own personal journey with life coaching—or what I call Functional Medicine for the soul—to discover happiness, success, and so much more.

Lauren Handel Zander is the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group, an international corporate consulting and life coaching company. Her coaching methodology, The Handel Method, is taught in over 35 universities and institutes of learning around the world, including MIT, Stanford Graduate School of Business, NYU, and the New York City Public School System.

Lauren is the creator of Inner.U: Learn to Human BetterR, the online coaching course that teaches the entirety of The Handel Method, which has been used by dozens of celebrities, CEOs, and entrepreneurs since 2004. She is also the author of Maybe It’s You, a no-nonsense, practical manual that helps readers figure out not just what they want out of life, but how to actually get there. She has spent over 20 years coaching thousands of private and corporate clients, including myself.

Throughout our talk, Lauren shares the secrets to helping others do deep inner work. When we address the lies we tell ourselves and others, connect with our personal integrity, and embrace the spirit we’re often keeping locked away, some truly amazing things can happen. Spiritual health is something that’s often forgotten in an effort to become well, Lauren breaks down why it’s an essential piece to our health and happiness.

You’ll hear all this and much more on this week’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy. I hope my personal experience inspires you to take on your own darkness and find the light.

PS – Learn to “Human Better” with Lauren’s online coaching course, Inner.U. This course teaches you the entirety of Lauren’s coaching method, which I personally used.

Sign up now with your HYMAN75 coupon and get $75 OFF!

Need a taste before you commit? Get an intro to Lauren in her new 10-day video course with Commune, Learn to Human Better. This is an entry point and an introduction to her coaching method.

See if Handel Group coaching options are right for you: handelgroup.com/markhyman

Topics Covered

  • What Lauren identified in me upon our first meeting


  • Lauren’s personal spiritual revelation


  • Why we lie


  • Learning to human better


  • Why dreaming is the key to getting unstuck


  • The areas of life that Lauren’s work centers around


  • Why you don’t have to fix all areas of your life to change all areas of your life


  • How I started doing only do things I love


  • Evolving our lineage by honoring our lineage


  • What it means to be in personal integrity


  • The agreement my wife and I have for our relationship


  • Lauren’s approach to her client’s and her own dark side and vices


  • Facing your inner dialogue


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Ep. 50 - Why We All Lie, How It Messes Up Our Lives, and How To Fix It