The Doctor's Farmacy: Episode 4 with Ryland Engelhart

Episode 4


Two things I love talking about: food and gratitude.

I am very excited to share this week’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy with you. I got a chance to sit down with Ryland Engelhart, the co-owner of two incredible restaurants, Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre. He is also the co-founder of Kiss The Ground, a non-profit that educates and advocates about the connection between soil, human, and planetary health. He is a co-creator of the award-winning, transformational documentary film, “May I Be Frank.” Ryland is an entrepreneur and activist, using his restaurants as a platform to inspire more gratitude in our culture. He speaks on sacred commerce, tools for building community, and regeneration.

This week Ryland and I discuss the transformational impact of gratitude and how having an intimate relationship with our food can impact our health and the health of the planet. You’ll learn how your food choices can literally help to reverse climate change and about the role that animals play in regenerative agriculture.

Ryland and his family have been very inspirational in my life, and what I admire most about them is their commitment to the truth. In the landscape of eating, there are many beliefs and dogmas, from vegan, Paleo, vegetarian, Mediterranean, and raw food, to ketogenic, high-fat, low-fat, omnivore. Ryland reminds us that in the quest for what is best for the environment and for our bodies, adaptability and curiosity are most important.

I hope you love this conversation as much as I did. Check it out on iTunes or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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Ep. 4 - The Doctor's Farmacy: Episode 4 with Ryland Engelhart