Hey everyone! The November Ask A Doctor Anything is here and available exclusively to the Dr. Hyman+ Community. Over the past month, our team collected questions from the community and found the most popular topics to ask Dr. Elizabeth Bohman. Check out the video below! Topics Discussed: What are the reasons and consequences for having low omega-6 fatty acids? What can be done to increase Omega 6’s fatty acids? (0:41) What are all the different forms of glutathione to take in order to increase glutathione levels in the body when someone has both genes GST missing? (3:38) Where is the balance between exposing yourself to germs and building immunity and putting yourself at risk for a serious virus? (7:48) Is there anything Dr. Boham could recommend in addition to the diet and the basic supplements to help with severe arthritis? Should I take Glucosamine? (9:28) Do you have any suggestions for treating stenosis without surgery? (12:53) Do testosterone pellets help reverse or at least improve osteoporosis? If so, is this evident through bone density tests? Are there situations in which you would recommend taking osteoporosis drugs such as Fosomax? (15:57) Is there a risk of having titanium so close to the brain? (19:00) What does ibuprofen do in the body, and why we should avoid it? (20:54) Can HbA1C be lower during pregnancy? (23:24) Do you recommend powdered colostrum? If so, what is it best used for? (24:45) What is HRV Heart rate variability, why is it important, and what are ways to improve it? (27:29) Is there a way to reverse the mitochondrial damage that could occur to muscles after using statins? (32:21) In situations with high stress, in addition to exercise, good sleep, and a good diet that you've talked about, are there supplements/foods that particularly address adrenal drain with accompanying high cortisol and adrenaline levels? (33:55) What is a functional medicine approach to understanding and treating tinnitus and resolving sleep disruption due to this issue? (35:56) As you head into the end of the year, what do you feel most proud of, and what are you looking forward to for next year? (40:04) Resourceshttp://www.drboham.com/ Have a question that wasn't answered? Submit your questions for future episodes of Ask A Doctor Anything made exclusively for the Dr. Hyman+ Community by clicking on the Ask Mark tab in the upper right corner of the Dr. Hyman+ page. Thanks for tuning in, until next time. -Dr. Boham & Team Dr. Hyman+