Content Library Articles Dr. Hyman's VIP Coaching Group

Dr. Hyman's VIP Coaching Group

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#e75a3b" size="8" center="yes" radius="0" title="this is a title"]Apply Now[/su_button]   Did you read the recent New York Times article called, “This is Probably the Least You’ll Weigh All Year. Sorry”? According to population data, Americans are at their lightest in October and will gain, on average, 2 pounds by January. What’s worse, the article explains, is that the holiday weight gain tends to stay around for a long time. Somewhere along the line, we’ve got it in our heads that this time of year means eating loads of processed carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods that wreck our health and our waistlines. I’m here to tell you that you CAN enjoy the holidays and lose weight at the same time. All you need is a little bit of support and my team is here for you. My coaches are launching a month long program that will show you how to stay healthy and happy through the holidays. We’ll prove that you can eat foods that you love and that will love you back, food that tastes great and is good for you. Rich soups, delicious holiday meals, and even desserts! We’ll talk about managing cravings, how to tackle emotional eating, holiday recipe ideas, and how to beat stress. This is an exclusive 5-week program that will start the week of November 14th and end on the week of December 16th. For this special holiday program, we will only be taking 24 participants to create an exclusive two groups of twelve. One group will meet every Monday and Wednesday at 8pm EST, and the other group will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm EST. If you are unable to join the calls during these times, this program is not the best fit for you. Because we are only offering 12 spots for this program, we are asking those who are interested to complete an application to participate. In this small, intimate group of only 12 participants, we will give you the tools and personalized support you need to make this your most successful and pleasurable holiday season! This program is not for everyone. It was created for community members who are serious about staying on track with their health goals during the holiday season. Our wellness coaches Farrell Feighan and Hannah Mills talk about why this program is different and special here. Here's what's included in this VIP package:
  • 4 Individual Wellness Coaching Sessions ($300 value)
  • Weekly Group Calls ($225 value)
  • Unlimited Email Support During the 5 Weeks ($200 value)
  • Personalized Goals and Action Steps ($120)
  • 10% Off Code For The Supplement Store Any time
Normally a program like this would cost at least $845 just for group coaching and one-on-one sessions, but we want to offer this program to you for $595! To apply now, click here. Deadline to apply is November 2nd at 12pm PT. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this new and exclusive program by contacting us at [email protected]. Give yourself and your family the gift of health this holiday season. To quote my friend and colleague, Dr. David Ludwig, “I want you to defy the odds. I want you to feel good and continue to feel great through the holidays.
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