Content Library Articles Fabulous Firsts

Fabulous Firsts

We have had many firsts recently. First plane rides, first big city, and first television experience!! We have equally had many first foods. I feel it is important for us to remember, what firsts we have taken. This is exciting chapter for us and our first steps to a lifetime of health.

For me as a Mommy, it is just as exciting as watching my children crawl for the first time. We know that babies can’t walk before crawling, and the same goes for this life change. There are milestone and steps we have to conquer on this journey. Looking back on it, will be a wonderful thing.

A great idea came to me when Mike Sr. had several firsts in one day. Why not have fun with this, encourage and motivate everyone to try new things? Kristin and I went to work, and created a family first board that has twenty boxes in it. Every time someone tries something new, we talk about it and write it on the board. When all twenty boxes are filled, we are going to do something fun as a family. I can promise that it WON’T be the ice cream shop either!

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